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Tasseography is an ancient method of scrying used in mystical civilizations all throughout the world since the beginning of time. Using a tool out of many that could used, seers and shamans alike in culture after culture, had adopted this ancient form of divination in order to find answers and insight into the past, present, and future. Readers looked deeply into their medium to find answers that could help those who sought truths in the world of the unseen. With many tools mentioned, the grimoire passed down to me from my ancient Celtic ancestors has provided great methods of this type of reading... heaven merely added to the wisdom in teaching what I needed to know to not only have the capability to perform this form of reading, but go above and beyond to master it! 
Choose the medium in which you want me to use for your session, and then after purchase... submit a contact form complete with your question or details as to what you wish to know. Or, just say “General” to let me know that it’s okay to allow the reading to flow naturally without a specific inquiry.
That’s it! Just sit back and wait, you’ll have a deep, accurate, authentic reading headed your way full of great wisdom, that is also very entertaining.
With this session, you will find it both on the Tarot & Divination page as well as the “Channeling” page too. This is because, the session not only includes the scrying part of the reading, but a thorough channeling as well. This is provide the most insight and depth to your session so that you receive the very best and no less. Please don’t forget to see the options listed in this service selection, to choose your tool or let me choose for you!

Our refund policy is 48 hrs after your purchase only. If you have already received your service you are not eligible for a refund as your service has already been conducted & rendered to you. Thank you!

Tasseography Reading

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