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The mind resembles a labyrinth, comprising multiple levels and numerous hidden spaces. At the forefront, we have the conscious mind, which we are aware of, while deeper within lie the unconscious and subconscious realms. Many individuals find it challenging to access the doorways to these deeper areas, as they are often locked and obscured.

However, these hidden aspects significantly influence daily life through unconscious behaviors that stem from the subconscious. Addressing and healing these areas can provide immense clarity moving forward, helping to alleviate trauma and anxiety. By targeting the negative elements within your subconscious, you can pave the way for greater success and emotional well-being.

During this sessions, I can uncover the hidden thoughts, habits, traumas, hurts, and patterns that reside in your subconscious. Sending healing to cleanse this, can assist you in transforming unconscious behaviors, ultimately leading to a more positive and fulfilling life. Often, these concealed thoughts can surface and contribute to feelings of depression.

Consider trying this healing service to experience the positive changes for yourself. You may be surprised at how much better you can feel! why carry all that baggage? 

this healing service is done through a remote healing method. After the healing is performed, a confirmation will be sent to the client portal with your details. If you want specific details of my findings during the session, please purchase a “subconscious dig” reading, along with this service. this purchase is only for the healing itself, not for the additional information that I find whilecanneling deep into the levels of your mind prior to going in for the healing. 

Our refund policy is 48 hrs after your purchase only. If you have already received your service you are not eligible for a refund as your service has already been conducted & rendered to you. Thank you!

Subconscious Cleansing

    Alura Spiritual and Psychic Services for life coaching, tarot, divination, angel readings, astrology, and energy healing services. We also offer help in spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Alura teaches understanding in religions and the ascension of consciousness.

    All Rights Reserved- 2025-2030

    Protected Under Trade of Alura Cein

    Alura Spiritual Services

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