They're important too.
As an angelic soul and oracle, Alura whispers with animals and children, communicating on a telepathic level that she knows how important it is to care for their spiritual needs too. They need healing, guidance, answers, and a voice when they don't speak.. Alura does regular healings and readings for her own children and pets, as well as many cherished little ones brought to her by clients who care about the innocent just as much.

"Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14
Services for Children
Help us support this organization
In the past, Alura collected support and donated a portion of her own proceeds to St. Jude's to help support families in need, while coping with their child who had cancer. While Alura continues to donate to this charitable cause, she is not collecting on their behalf any longer. This way, everyone will know that their donation has gone directly to the organization without doubt or question. Please help save children's lives, and donate a little something? They are our future! Alura cares about animals and children and 20% of her proceeds are given to St. Jude's or a suggested charity, each week. Thanks for participating by ordering thoughour site, and for any donations given directly to the hospital on your own.