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What is "Behind Closed Doors"? (BCD)

Behind Closed Doors is a membership program with an annual fee that essentially pays for itself! Located at my school, it features an ongoing general life coaching program that evolves each year to meet the needs of spiritual seekers on their journey to enlightenment. The membership includes life coaching and consistent discounts, with just one discount potentially covering the entire membership cost. For instance, a single healing package purchased with the discount can save you the equivalent of the membership fee. Members also enjoy a 30% discount on all services and readings while working with me.


Additionally, members receive a free healing session they can use at any time, along with another free healing session for a relative. These healings are typically for common colds or to provide a quick boost when someone is feeling down. The membership also grants access to parts of my blog, excluding those reserved for the Angelic Monthly Platinum subscription available on my website. Members receive their services more quickly than other clients and are included in various offerings I share within my private circle.


Furthermore, if I am in your area and you’re a member, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with me, and lunch will be on me! If I’m conducting a workshop or lecture, your entry will be free. 


One of the fantastic benefits of the membership is that it allows you to stay enrolled in any courses you’ve taken with me. This means you can revisit past courses without having to pay enrollment fees again, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars. It functions like an insurance plan for my regular clients and top students, many of whom wish to continue their learning. The discounts also make it easier to enroll in new courses as they become available.


My courses are rich with profound knowledge, addressing existential questions and supporting your spiritual growth through the Tree of Life. Revisiting previous courses often reveals new insights, making it a wonderful way to continue your spiritual journey with me while saving money through a single annual fee. You can purchase the program online at my website or visit my school at


The annual membership fee has recently increased due to the addition of numerous wonderful benefits, with even more to come in the future. I encourage you to sign up at the school for better organization.


Additionally, there are some important updates to share. Many of my blogs will be merged and relocated to this website, where only Behind Closed Doors members will have access. My Angels website will remain unchanged, allowing anyone to refer back to the prophecies there and read the accurately predicted events. I will also post new predictions from time to time. However, deeper and more insightful prophecies will be available on this site under the Angelic Monthly Platinum subscription. Other sections of my blog will not be accessible to the public, but members of the Behind Closed Doors membership and VIP members will have exclusive access, which is another great perk.


Please note that this is a secret membership, so if you join, you cannot disclose that you are a member. Additionally, the subscription must be set to auto-renew annually. If, for any reason, your payment is canceled, you will lose your perks and will not be allowed to rejoin with the benefits of accessing the courses. While you can certainly sign up again and enjoy the other perks, you will not have access to the previous courses you completed.


Therefore, it's essential to keep your membership on an auto-renewal policy to maintain your access to the courses time and again. I’m excited to have you join, especially if you plan to work with me frequently. This membership acts like an insurance plan to help you save, especially during tough times. Please only sign up if you are serious about committing! I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Alura Spiritual and Psychic Services for life coaching, tarot, divination, angel readings, astrology, and energy healing services. We also offer help in spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Alura teaches understanding in religions and the ascension of consciousness.

All Rights Reserved- 2025-2030

Protected Under Trade of Alura Cein

Alura Spiritual Services

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