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What would it be like for you to face your creator now? We view ourselves differently in this experience, than those who are divine do. There are many realizations that people need to have before they can purify and transcend. For example someone may have a tendency to be slightly manipulative, and they may never even realize it until someone brings it to their attention. Some people go throughout their whole entire lives never having anything brought to their attention. Some others, live in denial. It is very important to work on how you think the creator views you, for your afterlife experience. When you pass on you get something called a life  review. In your life review, you are showing your whole life as the creator has seen it. Even those private moments that you thought nobody knew about! What is the creator think then? How does this affect your afterlife experience? Having this knowledge can help you to make better changes within yourself in order to start working on things that are programmed inside of your behaviors and your way of looking at things. I can help you to grow and later make your life review more positive and more pure. More heavenly we in your life review, you are showing your whole life as the creator has seen it. Even those private moments that you thought nobody knew about! What did the creator think then? How does this affect your afterlife experience? Having this knowledge can help you to make better changes within yourself in order to start working on things that are programmed inside of your behaviors and your way of looking at things. I can help you to grow and leader make your life review more positive and more pure. More heaven worthy.

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    Alura Spiritual and Psychic Services for life coaching, tarot, divination, angel readings, astrology, and energy healing services. We also offer help in spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Alura teaches understanding in religions and the ascension of consciousness.

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    Alura Spiritual Services

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