Karma always gets in the way of one's journey due to the negativity that is anchored to a person's soul from mistakes, unlearned lessons, debts owed to others, broken promises or vows, and unfulfilled dreams. Trauma, broken hearts, tragic death, warfare, abuse, and much more can carry with you. Even hurtful words or thought forms can cling onto a peron's journey building up over time and making life impossible. You owe it to yourself to have some of this cleared up to make the weight of the burden less, and the journey lighter. Learn more about karma here...
Karma clearing does not remove the lessons of your spiritual journey; instead, it eliminates the negative energy that has built up from the mistakes you've made while learning those lessons. Many people mistakenly think that karma clearing allows me to erase their past actions, but that's not accurate. While the negativity that has impeded your progress will be cleared away, the lessons themselves will still be present.
During karma clearing, I focus on removing any toxic or negative energy that surrounded the spiritual lessons relevant to your path. I also infuse you with gentle divine energy to support you as you navigate future lessons, provided you apply wisdom and guidance along the way. It’s common for people, myself included, to repeat certain mistakes.
This happens because, as we advance in our journeys, lessons often take on new forms. They may present themselves through different people or situations, but the core lesson remains unchanged. This can make it difficult for individuals to see that a new experience might actually be linked to a lesson they've faced before.
Each experience is tied to a lesson or test in your journey. Unfortunately, many people are not taught this understanding or the awareness necessary to recognize it. Therefore, lessons and mistakes repeat anx negative energy gets built upon and can hold you basic a great deal. especially if you keep running into the same ones, and making the same mistakes again and again. The karma shared between you and the person involved, or yourself, can accumulate in such a great way that it proves sense more challenges on your path the head. Karma clearing is a great way to remove these obstacles. 
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