Terms That Apply
1). There is a no refund policy after 42 hours of your order's submission, as half of the profits are under obligation to be donated to charity and many of the services are started already within a 42 hour time period of the order. I will not refund for psychic work that was already started or finished. This is a spiritual service not merchandise. I am a spiritual healthcare giver, and normal physicians do not give refunds, nor shall I.
2). Services are 100% Confidential and access to information can not be gained by any external party except by Releases
to be signed by the client themselves electronically, or upon request by family member or loved one in the case of a client's passing.
3). Energy Work will not be used in any way to inflict physical harm on any living creature in any way.
4). Services are "AS" listed and can not be added to except by request and by paying additional fees appropriate for the
additional service.
5). Third Party Readings (readings done on someone other than yourself) are not performed but with these exceptions of: Love and Relationship Sessions, In Their Thoughts Reading but only in seeking the person's thoughts toward you, Family Spiritual Counseling, and Spirit Contact only.
6). Information on this site may not be copied or sold under subject of law. The tradename and copyright must remain on all readings distributed. If you remove them and it is discovered, it will be assumed you were using them under false pretenses and my legal team will be notified to induce investigations into potential copyright theft..
7). If you are under the age of 18 years old, you must have a parent or guardian's consent.
8). Spells that are being done on other parties (Example: Love) It is advised that a psychic reading to be done on the party to ensure :
There are no blockages such as religious ties, bad karma, generational curses, hexes, or another person standing the way.
These are the only reasons a spell would not work. I can not be held accountable if the spell does not work upon
refusal of the reading as a result of unseen factors that we could have prevented had the reading been completed as suggested. Otherwise, spells are guaranteed to work if none of the above blockages are present.
9). If enrolling in a monthly service package, payment is due upon starting, with the exception of the Subscription plans offered in the pricing plan section of this site.
10). Readings and services are done by the optional methods given, such as pre-recorded video, audio, Live-Chat, or via email. The method of delivery is optional and is decided at my discretion only. If you receive a reading in a format that you did not wish for, I am not responsible for refund. I have the right to conduct business the way that is comfortable for me. I am here to accommodate everyone as best as I can but the readings and the way that I choose to deliver them is decided upon my state of energetic health at the time or based upon the advisement of how your guides feel you would process the information best. You are welcome to request a certain format, and it will be considered.
11). I am not responsible for any readings that you may dislike or disagree with. By purchasing, you are implying that you are placing trust in me for my professional expertise. I do not make the answers, spirit does. Please do not direct hate toward me should not receive the answer that you wanted.
My Right to Refuse Services
12). I have the right to refuse services if I choose not to render them. The conditions in which I may chose not to render services will be in the case of any of the following and is not limited to:
A.) Harassment of any kind
B.) Negativity being projected towards any member of this company
C.) If I feel there is dishonesty of any kind during the reading request or false information
D) If I sense a bad outcome and do not wish to reveal the information
E.) If the client is going outside of our professional guidelines
F.) If there is a hidden agenda on the clients part.
G.) If it is discovered that the client is underage and without consent
H). If there is overbooking. Sometimes clients can be refused due to too many reservations.
I). If there were any payment issues in the past with someone, non-payment, extended pending transactions etc.
J). If the person refuses to send in a photo within 24 hours, if requested.
K.) If the person is suspected of stealing methods and information from this site or any belonging to me.
L.) If the client is going beyond the spiritual business relationship
M.) If the client is not cooperating with the service.
N.) If the client themselves is claiming to be psychic or sees another reader. It can result in conflicting energies.
O.) If the client takes advantage of me and my services, blackmails, or manipulates, me in anyway.
(I am very forgiving, so please consider sincerity too)
P.) If the client does not seem to resonate with the way that I do things, or my spiritual outlook and approach.
(Client should at least be open-minded)
Q.) I discover that a client is personally intruding into the personal and sacred place of my work with other clients by requesting to listen to or view readings done for the other person/s. See #20 below for more.
Privacy, Performance, and Payment
13). I have the right to terminate services after they have started, if the client is not abiding by my terms and conditions.
14). The name Alura Cein is trade marked and protected by law. My work and writings are also protected by copyright. Anyone stealing content or Impersonating me, will be prosecuted by the court of law.
15). I only read into the energy asked of me, and based on the request only.
Readings will not come out accurate if false information is given. Be sure to give your correct name, and birth date, etc for accurate readings please. If false identity is presented with a photo, the reading will done on the person in the photo and not on the person behind the request. If a false identity is presented and no picture was submitted, the reading will be done on the person behind the request but assuming they want to use the name being given, I don't play games. I can always feel when someone is being dishonest.
16). This site is monitored and tracked as well as all emails sent from the "Contact" page. Any negative, slandering, or harassing emails occurring more than once from the same email, and IP Address are directly submitted to cybersecurity for review.
17). All emails sent to me are private. However, the contact or aka Booking page form sends all submissions to my inbox in which an executive assistant or Amber, may see your information based upon processing service requests.
18). Payments are due upon request. I do not accept payments that are rendered as "Pending". If you have paid out of country, or if you have made a payment that is pending (not instant), I will have to wait until the payment goes through before I can render services to you. This is company policy. You have the right to withdraw the payment or cancel it if you do not wish to wait. Reasons we have made this new policy are:
A. I serve up to 100 people online a day in different ways. There has to be an even exchange of energy.
B. All profits promised portions according to the company expenses, charities, etc.
c. I have had others cancel their payments after services were given, in the past.
​19). Energy is different with each person. Spells, and Healing Sessions will work differently for everybody. They may be greater in power, for some, or, subtle for others. Due to Karma, blockages, lack of faith, or other outside psychic energy, not all services are guaranteed to work under those conditions. Recommendations may be made for additional services to help in any of those issues.
20). Readings, and Sessions may not be shared or distributed, as this is a personal, private practice. Spirituality is sacred, and one's path has nothing to do with another's as everyone has their own personal relationship with their spiritual team. If readings are shared beyond our client/mentor relationship, I may exclude you as a client for the intrusion of privacy to others, or our personal time together. All readings are produced for you but owned by me as original content.
21). My clients are private. People come to me for help and all of my social media sites are set up for me to engage with them. It is inevitable that they will engage with one another. Others have added my clients to their pages with the intention to gain more following for themselves, or create an echo room around me for censorship. If someone has added my followers in bulk, I may question it outside of the surface presentation, and I may delete and block parties, from my sites.
Courses & Coaching
22). If you have enrolled in a course, the log in information, and material within my courses, must not be given out. If this rule is broken, than you may be discharged from the course with payment non-refundable.
​23). 6 Life coaching audios will be uploaded upon my discretion according to her schedule since she works with your spiritual guides for the advice and motivation for the student. The audios will be deleted from the client portal within 30 days after the life coaching is completed. On going coaching students who continue in enrollment may keep their files to reflect back on until they have stopped renewing their program. The audios are deleted due to managing storage on the portal's private server, and to protect my wisdom and methods.
If you aren't experiencing the changes that you had hoped for from your coaching sessions, I am not reliable had you not taken the advice. My methods are so concrete and wise that it shows when a person has applied the wisdom.
24). Alura's Spiritual Services must report any harassment, cyber bullying, deformation of character, Suicidal Comments, as well as any racist, hate speech, gang stalking, abuse, threats and comments on murder and death. I report these to the appropriate authorities and the local police department of that said individual.
25). Alura only provides Spiritual Counseling, Psychic Readings, Inspiration, Prayer, Healing Sessions, Magical Rites, Spiritual Teaching, and Life Coaching. If you have severe issues such as Mental or Emotional Illness, Terminal Illnesses, or Suicidal Idealizations, please seek medical or psychological support in those fields in addition. If you consent to work with me upon booking services or reaching out while seeing a mental healthcare provider, I can not be held responsible for any confliction that creates confusion between the different care and advice given to you by me and your other provider.
26). Material of mine that is found available to the public is not to the deepest extent of my teachings and only scratching the surface. I highly suggest that if interested, that you go deeper with the courses to have a full and true understanding of my wisdom rather than hearing it on a surface level. Not all that I am teaching publicly is as it seems and could be metaphorical, as well as taught in parables and symbolism. Otherwise, I do not choose who listens to my material, or watches my content. I am not responsible for anyone who takes my content out of context and uses it for any other intention other than what it is meant for. It is meant to inspire others to go deeper, live a better life, and awaken. Any use of my content to harm one's self or others, I am not responsible for.
I do not condone self harm, suicide, or fanaticism.
27). I am not responsible for the teachings of others in my field.
28). I am not responsible if you take the said advice provided in your services, and are not happy with them. I am just the messenger, and you are the one who makes your own choices and decisions in your life.
If you are suicidal, I am not specialized in this area. Please call 911, or call the suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255
Basic Information & Booking Limitations
There is currently a limit on how many of the same exact reading one can purchase in one order for themselves, and in time, for general readings. Purchasing for multiple persons as a gift, is an exception but must be specified at the time of the order. In one order, a client can only purchase up to two of the same reading for themselves. If more is ordered of the same titled reading and it is not indicated that the additional are for anyone else, a refund for the additional will be issued.
There is also a limit of readings per order as well to preserve sacredness. Clients are asked that they do not order more than 5 services at a time per order. If the order exceeds the amount of five, the additional readings/services will be split in half with an additional fee asked of the client to reserve a spot in the schedule since it requires a double booking.
Psychic Services, according to the law are placed under the category of "Entertainment".
By purchasing you are agreeing to these terms, and acknowledge that if you are not satisfied, I am protected under this statement.
All content within this website, the names of my services and readings, my methods and concepts, terms, and conditions, are all property of Alura Cein, Alura Spiritual Services, and are protected under Trade Name and the Copyright License of this site.
Electronic Signature
Alura Cein- 01-22-2011
Amber beck - Head Assistant at Alura's Spiritual Services- 09/09/2016