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The most basic of all of the mentoring packages, this includes 4 weeks of spiritual mentoring for any personal need that you may have that you want to fix in your life. Whether it be self esteem, motivation for a goal, or just someone to give advice in situations that arise during the 4 weeks if you have a hectic unbalanced life due to external factors like other people, your job, or struggles. Submit the booking form after purchase, explaining what you need this package for, for email consultation. I also offer ongoing mentoring, since time goes by quickly and 4 weeks often at times is not enough. Ask about the consistent programs available.For real change it is good to have  ongoing coaching. In my experience in working with many, 6 months to a year is best. These are starter packages.Our refund policy is 48 hrs after your purchase only. If you have already received your service you are not eligible for a refund as your service has already been conducted & rendered to you. Thank you!

Personal Life Mentoring

    Alura Spiritual and Psychic Services for life coaching, tarot, divination, angel readings, astrology, and energy healing services. We also offer help in spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Alura teaches understanding in religions and the ascension of consciousness.

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    Protected Under Trade of Alura Cein

    Alura Spiritual Services

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