Formally known as the Celestial Records, is now called Akashic Records “Beyond the Physical because not everybody has experiences in the stars or some may have experiences in the stars but also in non-physical world too, within Earth before the 3D plane. In this reading, Alura Tells the story of your soul’s journey through any experiences that you may have had in the stars or other spiritual realms. It is beautifully worded, thoroughly accurate, and highly detailed. It is like going through a guided regression into experiences long forgotten but still recorded in the records of your higher self and time.Takes a few weeks to receive due to Channeling time. Origin is touched on.For all of your past lifetimes here on earth, Akasha Part Two- Earth.... please contact us directly to set it up. Our refund policy is 48 hrs after your purchase only. If you have already received your service you are not eligible for a refund as your service has already been conducted & rendered to you. Thank you!
Akashic Records I- Celestial Experiences; Beyond Physical