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Autumn 2022

Updated: Jan 21, 2023

Greetings. My greatest hope is that blessings of good health, prosperity, and happiness will be bestowed upon each and everyone of you. Today, and for always.

 I welcome you with all of my heart.

There are quite a few things that I felt I needed to share with everyone and so here we are again with another newsletter for updates. I know that I have been out of touch when it comes to social media and I have explained why, a few times before. However, that doesn’t mean that I want you all to be out of the loop. I truly value that I have the ability to create a newsletter. At least this will inform everyone of the things that are important for them to know, and conveniently answer a lot of questions. I always try the best that I can to ensure that I cover everything that I know has been on the minds of my clients and students recently. 

Without further ado, please read below where you’ll find the start of the newsletter. I certainly didn’t want to begin it without an intro where I could at least state how much I truly love each and everyone of you and how grateful I am that you’re here.

I truly hope that everyone can feel the love of the heavens surrounding them daily, and that you all can see how heaven intervenes in your life to help you. We are all truly blessed, more than some will ever know. Not only do I hope that you can recognize heaven's love all around you, but that many of you can also feel the love that I have for you as well. 

A Time of Celebration & Upcoming Festivities. 

 If anyone has remembered, it’s Grianstad. September 21st marks the end of the year! It began harvest time, a period of gathering from what we’ve all planted. That’s not just for farmers. It counts for everyone who has worked hard throughout the year, planting our goals firmly into our lives, and nurturing them. 

At the end of April, we mark down our goals for the new year ahead, and dedicate them to the heavens on May 1st. On that day, we also celebrate what we hope to accomplish and that we have a whole new year to do so. Throughout the Spring and Summer months we work hard at our goals. Many even confront and learn from their soul lessons. It’s a time of ambition and strength, and even having a little bit of fun due to warmer weather. When September 21st comes around, it’s time to reflect back on what we’ve been able to grow. 

For a little over a month, the celebrations continue on to rejoice in our own achievements and the achievements of others. How wonderful that it includes apple picking, pumpkin carving, taste testing, and many other activities that come from others who have also worked hard in farming to make it possible. All throughout the month, we light a candle daily to represent our greatest hope, or a prayer that we’ve sent upward for ourselves, family, friends, or the world.

Samhain comes next in line, closing out the festivities. That’s where we are now, since this newsletter is being written on the 29th October. It’s a whole day, all dedicated to spirit, and to those who have passed on. It’s also about enjoying the togetherness of a chosen mate and/or family. Originally, people of ancient times used to choose animals and nature spirits to dress up like to honor them. Nowadays it’s all about honoring serial killers, monsters, and all other forms of fantasy. In my heart, I wish that society would have stuck with the idea of the ancients, but I suppose that it’s still fun that many get to dress up and disguise themselves behind some other character for a change.

As for me, I finish the festivities officially on November 3rd. I like to pay my respects not only to those who have died but also those who are still living. For November 1st, I celebrate souls who have died selflessly throughout time. On November 2nd, I pay respects to all of those who are living. I give offerings on that day that everyone may have safety, good health, and prosperity to come in the future. I will then close out the festivities on November 3rd by celebrating all of the Saints that have lived all throughout time. That includes anyone from any background or religion that lived by the virtues and showed kindness to others in the most righteous way. Every week up until October 31st, we have a meal that is provided as a way of thanking the heavens for having helped us throughout the year and to honor our loved ones who have stood by us throughout it. 

The rest of November up until December 21, marks a time of pause. Usually many will celebrate Thanksgiving in November, but due to the origins of Thanksgiving… I certainly don’t find much joy in it. Most people celebrate Thanksgiving or they observe it simply because they have off on that day from their jobs. Since a lot of people will find that their loved ones take part in the holiday, there are a lot of people that don’t typically celebrate it themselves but they will partake in dinner for the sake of their loved ones. I know that my mother certainly likes to observe Thanksgiving every year and because of that, we all gather together on that day for her sake.

Then our dreaded dead zone comes about when winter comes around the 21st of December. 

It’ll be a time of rest, contemplating our own hopes, and waiting to see what the matrix has in store for the future so that we can plan around everything. I believe that we all have a chance to live the life that we dream, but we have to be insightful and work diligently. I trust in the heavens with all of my heart that they will help us to get where we need to go. I never lose hope that you can still get somewhere in life if you have faith in the heavens that they’ll help you do it. No matter what’s going on, we can get around it together with the wisdom from above. I truly hope that everyone enjoys this beautiful time and that you all get enough rest throughout the upcoming “dead zone” months. 

Don’t forget that when Winter comes, it’s also a wonderful time of festivities. 

Be sure to sit back and celebrate all of your accomplishments, and enjoy some things that you didn’t get a chance to, throughout the year of hard work. I certainly enjoy celebrating the celestial holiday of Saturnalia myself. No it’s not like the Saturnalia festivities that the Romans celebrated. The celestial version is quite different, and more magical. In just two days, everyone will be out there observing the wonderful autumn holiday of Samhain or as many call it, Halloween. I wanted to send this newsletter beforehand, to let everyone know of the important things that I needed to share during this time especially, and into the future. 

Tips on Trick or Treating

Check candy: For any of you that have any children at home, there have been several news reports of drugs and poisons added to candy. Read more here if you want to know more. Of course this could just all be hype that they’re putting out there in the media for whatever agenda they have, which is usually the case. But you have to always exercise caution no matter what because it’s better to be safe than sorry. Be sure to thoroughly check your children’s candy especially if there are any candies that are known to resemble pills. I’m sure many of you are already aware of a few different types of candy, while you were growing up. There are so many other kinds of candies now that have the resemblance to pills. Even just a tiny little sprinkle of fentanyl is lethal enough to kill your child.

Chaperoning: If you look at the news reports that have been making headlines throughout this year, you’ll find that there are a lot of people of all different ages I have gone missing. Recently, there has even been footage that surfaced of two separate situations involving little girls that were nearly abducted right out in front of their homes. When going trick-or-treating, make sure that an adult goes along with any of your underage children. Even for younger teenagers, they are still at risk. They may not like the idea of having someone with them, but too bad. It’s better knowing that they’re safe. 

Location and check in: For older teens or young adults, make sure that they have their cell phones on and their locations shared with parents, and siblings both. For friends traveling in groups, they should also have their locations in sync. This is just in case anyone somehow trails off from the group. Be sure to text your children a few times throughout the evening and enforce that they follow the county's curfew. Have them call once they arrive at their friends house afterwards or when they’re on their way home to yours. 

Safety: even when walking with your children, be sure to bring a few reflective pieces and flashlights. It always helps when walking on the road, when others can see you. No matter how safe you try to be when walking, there are so many people out there nowadays that aren’t paying attention behind the wheel. They’re fiddling around on their phones, talking, or checking themselves in the mirror but they’re not really paying attention. It only takes one second and it could change your life forever. Make sure that you have something that stands out so that even drivers that aren’t mindful, will end up having their attention grabbed and notice you.

That’s about all. I hope that these tips help you to have a happy and safe Halloween with your family.

It’s still a good time to dream…

Even though it is the end of the year, and we have lots to celebrate from what we’ve accomplished throughout the year… It’s still a good time to dream. Actually, in the winter time for those who are in colder regions it’s slow, stagnant, and boring. Being stuck indoors often makes people feel depressed and puts them deeper into thoughts that they should not be entertaining. You don’t want to end up like our sad pumpkin face up there, do you? 

I feel that one should not be defeated by illusions. Trust me, no matter how bad it might be for some, it’s not as hopeless as it might seem. Most of the negative thoughts that people have, are really easy to figure out when it comes to lessons. Even if someone is carrying quite a bit of trauma still, it’s really important not to entertain thoughts about it. There is a time and place to confront them especially through meditation. 

Tips for Seasonal Depression

When thoughts come up, try to redirect them or keep your mind busy with other things. Read a book, go for a nice walk, put on a different type of music that doesn’t remind you of the past, or watch a funny movie. You can also pray, or try writing a poem. These activities can help you to take your mind off of thoughts that will do nothing but drive you crazy. You don’t need that right now. You need to stay as strong as you can.

Like I said, you can still make a list of goals that you want to achieve for the new year, when it comes around. Most people have a New Year’s resolution or something that they keep promising themselves over and over again to do, when the new year comes around. For example, have you ever found yourself saying something like: “I’ll lose those few extra pounds or I’ll quit doing blank, as my New Year’s resolution”? But you’ve said it in July, August, and again in October and so on? Well, you don’t have to wait until New Year’s to begin working on any resolutions or goals that you may have in mind. You could start now! Actually having things to work on that will lead to better things to look forward to later, can help you to be more optimistic through a time where seasonal depression is beginning to settle in.

Just remember though, don’t pay attention too much to the negativity out there. It’s important to have truth and awareness, but not so much that it takes the hope out of you. I know it’s easier said than done, but you have to balance your perception in life. For many, they expect the worst. Don’t simply just look for only the negative things, or think that only negative things will come about in your life. Try to see the good and think positively as well too. This will keep you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually well.

Even though life may have a lot of serious things going on, that doesn’t mean that you  shouldn’t find time to celebrate and enjoy life with their loved ones. There will be many trials to get around in the future, but do not fear because we have a lot of help on our side.

Quick Activity for Halloween

In the picture above, I have a cute little art project that some of you can do, and it doesn’t matter how old you are even if you have children of your own to do that with. If you’re in the holiday spirit, then sit back and make a few of these! They are especially cute and really cheap to make. It will definitely appeal to any children that you may have knocking on your door for candy. Parents can also do this activity with their family, while perhaps maybe baking some cookies at the same time. It would make for a perfect last minute decoration and arts and crafts idea, and scheduling you extra minutes with your loved ones before everyone heads out for trick-or-treating.

What you’ll need:

  1. White Styrofoam paper cups

  2. Stickers with bats and spiders on them, or black construction paper to make your own.

  3. Googly eyes

  4. Glue

The activity is really simple. Take your white Styrofoam paper cup and turn it upside down. If you have stickers of bats and spiders, position them similar to the example in the photo. If you don’t have stickers, use any kind of black paper or black construction paper, to cut out your own spiders and bats shapes. Add googly eyes at the top of your cup. And then voila! You have a paper cup ghost. 

You can put these in a little arrangement on your table, or in your windowsill for trick-or-treaters to see while passing by.

For me, I went an extra step further with creativity and I am actually using these as cupcake lids to go over top of Halloween cupcakes. I’ll just put a few cupcakes out on the table so that the arrangement looks decorative and I’ll keep the rest in the kitchen for later.

Second Activity 

The ghosts that are hanging up in the background are simply made out of white cloth napkins that were just folded and then tied to make a little head on them so that when picking it up, it all hangs down like a little ghost. This is very cute when having a Halloween dinner, if you want cute napkin holders. You could also use paper towels if you don’t have white cloth napkins laying around. you can hang them where you’ll be setting your table, or if you’re just looking to have a Halloween banner, you can hang them along as string, anywhere in your house.

Spiritual Nourishment

I feel that the Bible course provides a great deal of spiritual nourishment when it comes to learning wisdom right now. I’ve only added a handful of lessons so far, it being that the course is rather new. I’ll touch base on this further on in the newsletter. For my students in that course, I’d like to remind them all to continue reading the Bible regarding the books that we’re going over specifically. Based upon the lessons that have already been uploaded, it would be wise to review the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy. I have quite a few lessons getting ready to go into the classroom, and so if you wanted to review the Pentateuch for now and then move on into the book of Joshua and Judges, I’m sure that you’ll find that the lessons that have been recently prepared for you will make a lot more sense.

Reading the Bible will also help pre-occupy your thoughts for spiritual nourishment at this time.

 I know that there are many out there struggling, and I have to humbly remind everyone that I’ve put out so many helpful articles throughout time that it wouldn’t hurt to go back over them. I know that everyone looks for New information, and I am always working hard to put out some. In the meantime, there are a lot of articles on both Spiritually Awkward, and The Illumination of Metatron that can bring some things back into focus for those that need it. I have also been adding some new quotes on my Instagram and Facebook story based upon what I know a lot of people are struggling with. 

In the past clients sometimes thought that I had posted something meant to be an indirect message toward them. I’ve never added anything for any one person individually. Things that I post relate to a collective based upon what I channeled from them or what I’ve come to know through working with them directly. The earth is going through a very hard time right now, and unfortunately it’s affecting everybody. I hope that the quotes are helping people.

I also wanted to add that there has been someone out there who has been writing their own articles purposefully to go in opposition with mine. If I write a new message from the heavens in the angelic Herald or an article in my Spiritually Awkward site and it happens to have a bit of a negative foundation, I truly apologize for that. There’s nothing that I can do about it. I’m not trying to impose fear on anyone or make them feel down. I am merely just providing the message that I was given from those in the higher planes. It was prophesied by an earlier prophet who had said that when a specific age would come that people would prefer to live in a state of illusion, rather than in truth. This is true of today. People would rather hear only good things, and act like there’s nothing at all happening in the world simply for the fact that it makes them feel better. There’s nothing wrong with people wanting to remain positive, but to deceive one’s self so deeply that they utterly ignore the times that were in? What good would that ever do for anyone? 

Even Archangel Michael says that it’s better for a person to know what’s ahead of them so that they can always be prepared. Instead, the previous prophecy is coming true. More and more, people would rather ignore the events of today or push blame onto someone who delivers any news of them so as to say that they are fear mongering, dogmatic or not positive enough. At this point I simply don’t care what people think of me. I’m doing what I was sent here to do, and it’s not to people please. It’s to please the heavens. For those that are true followers of heaven, they’ll be thankful for the messages and they listen to the insight so as to succeed when they can, and make the best out of life as much as they can.

Yet, this individual continues to write against anything that I have put out there with the strict intention of making me look as if I am only all about negativity. That’s quite the contrary. I teach balance. That is the path toward enlightenment. One must not be lost in the illusions of this world or their mind, but to instead see the truth in both good and bad things. This helps them to gain strength and to always exercise awareness for the greater good. The heavens say that anyone ignoring any kind of event in the world or in their own personal lives, that could be destructive… May be happy while turning the other cheek for a time period but later on many things will fall before them, and what they fear most will happen and there won’t be much of anything that they can do about it then. This is why the angels always provide us with truthful messages in the first place. They want everyone to know what’s ahead so that nothing comes as a surprise later. This also provides each person the opportunity to find out what they can do to work around destructive events in their own life and in the world, to have a better chance at happiness.

As you can see, we’re all about virtue, truth, and finding joy amid the sorrow. You have to keep in mind when working with me or reading my material, that it’s all been 100% true from the start and since we live in a world full of suffering, the messages aren’t going to be all that happy go lucky. The happiness is up to you to create based upon taking the advice that you have gotten from heaven. 

Look at it this way… If someone has been given advice from their spirit guides to relocate and start their life over with a new career, they may actually want to go and do that. But if they don’t know the location yet it could end up disastrous. Let’s say that they want to go to another state but the prophecies state that it’s a location where there will be a lot of catastrophic weather events. If the person never looked any deeper into the advice that they had received in the first place so that they could find out from the heavens where they should specifically go, they may actually end up moving to that very same location that their heart is set upon instead. 

However, the Angelic Herald provides us with information that helps everyone to have insight about things that they may have not thought of to ask about in their readings. Let's say that the same person gets ready to plan on moving where they dream, but then they suddenly sit down to read one of the Angelic Herald articles and find out that that location has been mentioned for some pretty destructive events. That article just probably saved their life. Even to anyone reading it, it may seem heavy and a bit intimidating… For others the very same article may have just helped them to either move away from a location that could have destroyed their life or even worse, had taken it. Or it may have prevented someone from heading off into a location just the same. I know that I am especially thankful for the prophecies that the heavens give us because of those reasons. 

I would truly hope that students of mine have learned the virtues enough that when they read those articles, they’re not only thinking about how the articles make them feel personally, but about what those articles can do for so many other people in the world. It’s good to know the information and it’s truly a gift that the angels even communicated. I wish that someone would just show a little more gratitude.

I wanted to end this little section by saying that you can’t really trust anybody that promises only positivity and joy to people. You should know very well from your own life experiences, that life doesn’t contain only happy moments. Nothing can be as perfectly happy until a person has reached true enlightenment. And that’s because anyone prior to enlightenment, wouldn’t have the right perspective and how to live life or treat other people in order to create such a perfect happy setting. Life here on earth is a balance of duality. Once you can accept that, you can begin to learn how to rise above it. Paradise is only found when people can face the truth that they’re in hell here so to speak. Wake up please.

Your happiness can be created, how can you create it if you can’t face the obstacles that block you from it first?

Updates with Alura

Reason for Delay

Speaking of getting around things, I know that many of you are wondering when I’m going to get around to your readings. I’m working on them as much as I can. I often take on bigger loads than I can handle by myself, and I’ll get backed up having to continue to work off previous orders before I can get to the new ones. I do have a schedule in which I have to work on certain things on certain days. There are a lot of other things that come up. I am very organized, believe it or not. I just thought that I would update everyone so that you all know that I have not forgotten about you, if you’ve been waiting a little bit. 

I don’t mean to sound repetitive, but as many of you know I’ve been enduring some financial hardships. I’ve had to take on other jobs aside from all of this in order to take care of additional necessities that the income that I have now just doesn’t cover. I just wanted everyone to understand that I am not deliberately delaying their readings.

Updates on previously mentioned obstacles:

I’ve had quite a few messages come in from some very loving people who are genuinely concerned about some of the things I mentioned that I had been going through.If you were one of those individuals, thank you so much for your compassion. A lot of people have told me not to share my personal information. however the heavens always have advised me to share any difficulties that pop up on my path, so that others can find inspiration when encountering their own. My strength, I hope, will be a testimony of faith and endurance for all of you. With that, I wanted to post a few updates on what’s been going on with some of those things. 

I still need to get the  surgery that I mentioned. As I’ve said, I’ll have to pay out-of-pocket for it. They have scheduled a date for me, but I’ll have to continue to work extra hard in this job and others, to save up for it by that time. 

We’ve also still had some trouble in getting the electricity fixed. It’s working only on half of our home now. I asked the heavens for some knowledge on how to do some electrical work, And thankfully they have instructed me to some degree on how to fix a few things. For getting the power up and running throughout the rest of the house, I’m definitely still going to need a technician for that. Luckily it won’t be nearly as costly since I’ve done a little bit of the work myself. 

I’m grateful To the heavens for all of the Blessed things that they teach me. Knowledge truly has power. Our washing machine just recently gave up on us too, go figure. That darned Saturn! I truly hope my mother got the idea of her lessons associated with the losses. I am certainly glad that the retrograde for Saturn is finally coming to a close though. 

As many of you know from the time shift readings for the “vicious six”, the effects for some, may be long lasting as the retrogrades pave the way for a series of events to occur throughout time, that can be very influential upon your life. For some, it’ll result in a lot of good. For others? Well, let’s just say that it may bring some negative events, but it will certainly lead to greater good later on. For anyone who’s had the reading and it’s been revealed that they will have many blessings that come in from the RetrogradePlanets, congratulations. Use those blessings wisely. 

For those of you that may have some negative events that occur, hang in there and try to see things optimistically. It’ll all lead to something better later on, I promise. 

I’m definitely hanging in there, and I am extremely faithful that all will come together as it is supposed to. Everything happens for a reason anyhow. The heavens found that people in my home needed to be tested for gratitude and togetherness. Imagine teenagers without the ability to use their bedrooms or charge their phones at home?! Both of my oldest children are now sleeping on the sofa because their bedrooms don’t have any lights or power. It’s definitely a test of patience and perseverance.  I don’t mind it because I recall a time when there wasn’t any electricity in the world, and I can remember it from my past life clearly. I’m sensitive when it comes to electrical devices, so good riddens. They bother me anyhow. I love the quiet and I enjoy the atmosphere a lot better when there aren’t any artificial currents running through it. If you remember, years ago I had shared with everyone that I don’t really use a lot of lights anyway. Therefore this situation isn’t really affecting me much. It’s actually better. However, apparently electricity is considered a necessity and in a technological age it does make it a little bit of a challenge for the rest of my family.

I also need the electrical devices to work here online, and so it does propose some delays upon my path. But not too much other than that. I agree with the heavens that the lessons were greatly needed for the people here. It also brought the kids together. Amber and Noah haven’t really hung out. There indeed is a purpose for all things. That doesn’t mean that the negative challenges are easy though, but I definitely know a higher purpose to them, whereas most people don’t. Ah, the luxuries of modern technological life… 

I foresee that things will be appreciated a little more from this point forward, and that the kids will make a little more time for each other in the future after this experience. I wanted to thank the heavens for it. Even though it has added some difficulties to my path in some ways, it certainly has been an eye-opener for my loved ones. I much rather value the spiritual lessons, rather than the value of the material things. I do truly hope that my family can learn to see things the same way. Just because I am here with them, doesn’t mean that they’re learning any less than any of you out there. They just have more of an advantage because I am here to teach them more directly.

Please kindly continue to bear with me. As soon as everything‘s back up and running and I can get my surgery as I need, things will move a lot more quickly.

Update: The Bible Untold Course

Special time aside…

For everyone who has enrolled in the Bible course, I know that you’ve been waiting on a new lesson. For this course, it’s not one where I just upload a bunch of audio lectures to teach. I am actually putting a lot of the lessons into text format and they do need a great deal of preparation beforehand, in order to plan the lessons. I am not just teaching the Bible in the same mannerism that many others have throughout time. I am uncovering a lot of hidden truth in this course. A lot of it does refer back to previous courses. For those who have been in them, you’ll notice how it brings a lot of the information in my previous courses together, and further expands on them. 

Since October 25th, I have had to put the readings to the side so that I could prepare the next half a dozen lessons that will be uploaded into the course. I could have uploaded them one by one as I finished them, but I figured it may be better if my students could have the ability to just move onto the next lesson since they all interconnect on one subject. I wanted to post this update here out of consideration to those students so that you all know that I have not been idle when it comes to the course itself.

 I am truly excited about this course! I've waited back since Truthology, to teach this. It’s always been my intention to do this course, because this is the truth that I’ve been wanting to reveal for a very long time. However, in order for anyone to understand anything that I was going to reveal in this course, I needed to be able to prepare them prior to teaching it, with a foundation that I could expand on into.

 I feel that I did a wonderful job throughout the years, but the Bible course will be my best work yet. As an angel who has come here to reveal truths and prophecies pertaining to the world, I feel that it’s all really come together as it was supposed to.  Imagine…  Some of my students were actually very upset that my Indignation course was at times delayed. What they didn’t realize was, it was supposed to be. 

That was because the heavens wanted both the Indignation and Bible courses to be taught right at specific moments in time on earth. Many things happened in the world to back up a lot of information. It worked in synchronization: I always follow what the heavens want me to do according to their plan and will. I thank everyone who has stood by me faithfully, and I am truly appreciative to those who have been especially patient. 

I do want to add a very small reminder. For anyone who has been in any of my courses at any time and found that they were removed, there were a few reasons for dismissal from my classes if you can recall. Just in case anyone has forgotten, I wanted to say that it’s really important that you read the “Terms and Conditions” page for the online classroom. I think that a lot of people skip out on that page and they don’t see the link that explains why a student can be dismissed from one of the courses.

Above all things, I value my relationship with the heavens and I have endless gratitude toward them for choosing me to come here and do the work that I’m doing. I don’t take advantage of the information and I don’t expect anyone else to. I have not had to remove many students from my courses throughout time. Luckily, there were some who were not ready for the information and simply did not continue into future courses after taking one or two of them. 

I have not had to dismiss many of my students throughout time, thank goodness. But there have been a few. I thought that it was important to add this reminder, just in case. 

With all of that being said, I will be continuing on with finishing up this little series of lessons that will be going up into the course just as soon as I have completed them. I can get back on schedule with the readings afterwards. I’ll be getting to the VIP list first, and then I’ll go on to fulfill the readings that others outside of the VIP membership have purchased. 


I also wanted to touch base with subscriptions. I have quite a few of them. I truly enjoy rendering the monthly subscriptions for my clients.

I render the spirit melody readings usually around the 18th of every month and upload them on the 19th or 20th. However, there were a few new sign ups that did not show renewal after they had enrolled in the subscription. I wasn’t able to continue fulfilling that subscription, if it didn’t show up on my schedule list. It seems that only the new subscriptions that had signed up around a certain period this year, did not show up on the monthly auto renewal list. 

Technical support told me that WIX failed when it came to sending notifications for subscriptions because there was an issue with the system at some point this year. I looked at the dates that they gave me of when those issues had started taking place,  and they matched the records that I had. For now,  I have manually marked down those that are in any monthly subscriptions, and so I will be able to get everyone caught up. I am really sorry about that. I hope that you continue to enjoy the benefits of the services.

VIP Membership & A new club

I had first designed the VIP membership because there were clients that would come to me asking if they could get their reading a little faster due to some situation that needed to be attended to at that moment in time. If they would have waited for their reading at my usual delivery rate, the situation would have probably played itself out in time and the person would have been left not knowing what to do. They wanted proper advice before it was too late. Since I have come across those situations with clients before, I thought of providing a service for those that knew that they would need their readings faster. I had also added a few perks while experimenting with it, but decided that a promised discount, one free healing a year, a gift box, faster service, and ongoing access to my classroom as bonuses were perfect. The VIP membership list is long.  As a result, delivery is a bit slower but members still do get their readings faster than any other incoming requests.

A New Membership 

I am creating a new membership, it’s a bit of a secret club and it will only have exclusive members. This will come with special services that will be rendered within the club and will only be offered to those that join.  There will be a limit for how many can join it. This will make it so that not everyone is in the club at the same time. It’s called “Behind Closed Doors”. The perks will be random, inconsistent, unplanned, but plentiful. 

It’s called “Behind Closed Doors” because everything about the membership will be completely secret. Members will have a lot of surprises. In the past, I was looking to create a special membership that allowed me to work with my members on an open platform of ideas. I thought of gift boxes, secret videos for a membership channel, and random surprise newsletters.

When I would feel inspired to do any of those things and plan on it for the future, I would often get a lot of the emails from people expecting that the membership's perks rather than allowing things to move in a relaxed way, trusting in me that everything would come at the right inspirational moments. 

The idea of the VIP membership at first, was that the members were going to auto renew, and be with me for a long time so that I could really enjoy providing random things for them. Perhaps I should have explained what my intentions were a little bit more. 

But that’s OK, this new private membership will have the idea that I’ve been really wanting to go with for quite some time. If some of my students plan on being with me in order to work on their spiritual journey throughout their life, then what’s the rush for anything anyhow? 

For this new membership, it’ll be a private membership for exclusive members who can truly put their trust in me and just go with the flow of things. This will make it more fun! I’ll be able to look forward to doing a lot of stuff with it since it’ll be full of random and spontaneous ideas that my members will get to share with me, and I’ll be able to do it without any kind of pressure or obligation. It’ll be a lifelong ongoing membership, where members will have a very specific criteria in which they can join. 

Rules are: 

  1. Consideration for membership requires that the member has been with me for at least three or four years.

  2. The members will have been through my courses in order to understand me more.

  3. They are already VIP members. If accepted for the private club, they’ll be able to upgrade the VIP membership to the new one. 

  4. The subscription must be put on a yearly auto renewal service similar to the VIP membership so that they will continue to have access to the courses as they did in the original VIP membership package.

  5. They have already been through at least one of the tree of life coaching programs throughout the years.

  6. They consistently follow me on all of my platforms and social media pages.

  7. Terms and Conditions that are provided at signup, must be agreed on.

  8. Members who join must not ever reveal that they are a member of this specific club.

Just for a little bit of a sneak peek as to what this membership will include:

  1. All of the perks of the VIP membership.

  2. Automatic enrolled in any new webinars, mini courses,  or lectures.

  3. Random surprise readings. The reading could be anything from a small little horoscope, one card draw, or a few words from their spirit guides, at any moment in time that spirit guides me to provide it. 

  4. Purchased readings will be upgraded at random times to video.

  5. Access to my planner. 

  6. Random news that comes in from the heavens, that doesn’t get added to the Herald. 

  7. Gift exchanging

There are more secret benefits. But they’re, well, they’re a secret! All of those give you a good idea of what will come with the private membership. A lot of that really does require a lot of trust on both ends. For example, if I am going to suddenly provide news about something that’s about to occur that isn’t put into the Angelic Herald then I’m definitely going to need to be able to trust in the people that I share the information with. I am always in communications with the Heavens. I don’t add all of my communication to the articles. There’s a lot to share. 

I was trying to do a similar concept with the VIP membership, but already with free access to all of my information ongoing, faster service delivery rate ahead of other incoming requests and the large discount that comes with it, I think it’s perfect for a VIP yearly membership. For the unrestrained spontaneous stuff, I’ll leave that for the applicants of the upgraded club “Behind Closed Doors”. When it comes to trust with this, it’s not that I only need trust in my members, but I am stressing that they need to have trust in me that they will receive their benefits.

Remember it’ll be sporadic throughout time. There will be many random surprises and I really like this idea. It gives me a chance to get closer to people and share with them things that I share with my family when new and exciting spiritual prophecies come in, and a lot of other activities that I take part in that I don’t post online. 

There is a slight upgrade fee to the VIP membership if the person is already a VIP member.  The membership fee is only required once a year similar to the VIP membership, and there will be a welcome package that members will receive that will help guide them to the locations that they’ll need to go to when accessing certain forms of communication with me and other activities as well. The fee helps me to maintain all of the websites and maintenance that goes into them and so I truly do appreciate that kind of support. I’m really excited to take part in this with the members that become a part of this secretive membership.

 That leads me to the last and final thing that I wanted to mention here which centers upon trust and divine timing. 

Thoughts on the enjoyment in spirituality

I know that Spiritually is a very serious thing, as it should be. But life is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, even amid the trials that life throws at you. Balance. It’s everything!

To me, life should be Motivational, spontaneous, and inspirational. Even when it comes to the readings, I have to receive divine inspiration from heaven to work on each client. I am not like other psychics to just pull information out of a hat. I’m working with divine beings from the heavens that come to me for each individual, according to their appointed time. There are so many people who want to rush that process and make it as if it’s some kind of obligation or job rather than really putting trust in the process by allowing heaven to guide and direct the way. I have said it so many times before, and I understand that there are people still working on patience and respect. 

It’s similar to how the courses had to run according to a specific time in the world, and nobody really trusted in the process of that. From this point forward, I am kindly going to stand my ground. I really want it to be more of a light,  open, and surprising experience for members who plan on being with me for life. They’ll get a chance to enjoy random things throughout time. It can really pick them up at the right time in their lives. I really want to enjoy the gifts that heaven has provided me with to use for everyone, in the way that they’re meant to be used. My hope is that everyone will allow everything to move according to divine timing.

Next Year

Things will be under new management next year!  I finally have had a relative that has a degree in business and another who specializes in computers, who both want to volunteer to help me manage things here. They haven’t officially started yet, but they have given me so many new ideas. By next year, I’ll hopefully have a new way of performing the readings, and coaching sessions. With more hands, more can be taken care of. Knowing that I’ve had some difficulty in finding volunteers that could work right next to me on certain days and we’re trust worthy enough to take some of the work back home to them, it’s really nice to see that I have finally built the team that I need. I’m sure you won’t have much interaction with them. They’ll be more behind the scenes helping me with various different tasks. I’ll still be here at the forefront. you can also rest assured that all of your personal information will still be kept in the highest regard of confidentiality.

Next year, students will continue to carry on with the Bible course. I can’t stress to my students how long this course is going to be. We are going to dissect this book and go into heavenly forbidden knowledge on it. Like I said earlier on, it’s a way of understanding all of the things that I’ve been teaching throughout the years layer by layer, and level to level. If everything goes as planned, the Bible course should be finished around this same time next year (Autumn 2023)  and then be followed by the last course, “Paradise”. It’ll be the last and final course that I’ll ever teach at a great level of depth.

After I finish the last course which should bring us into spring of 2024, I will offer workshops of all different sorts that will help students to work with a lot of what I’ve taught in regards to their own personal place in spirituality. Many teachers don’t realize that it’s a personal journey and that they can’t only just teach the same exact things to everyone. When you are learning deeper esoteric knowledge, you also have to learn how to apply it to your own individual journey. The tree of life coaching is designed especially for people when they are going through the first and second stages of their spiritual journey according to what the heavens have seen humans need in order to advance. However, more extensive work on oneself is always a good thing. 

Think of all of the monks that have joined monasteries? Even though they have not reached true enlightenment, they’ve dedicated their entire lives to living at the monastery. Hi I am looking forward to seeing how many students I actually have left at the end of all of this. Throughout the years, my courses have been life-changing, however not everybody could handle it. Some of them definitely miss read into things at times, the wrong way. And as a result of that, they have found that they didn’t really understand or use the information as it was truly meant to. Rather they walk life in a state of confusion and at times over analyzing things until they become a bit paranoid. That often doesn’t end very well. They’ll go to so many different teachers, exploring one concept to the next and then while some information can be recognized, Other forms of it make things even more confusing.

A harsh truth….

I started out with about 100 people that I personally approved to go into my courses. Knowing that only a percentage of them would really make it through, I’ve watched as each one fell. The main reason why a lot of them didn’t make it was because they didn’t have a true desire to change or upgrade themselves or their consciousness. They just wanted knowledge and to continue on in life being just like everybody else is a part of the matrix and doing things the same as they’ve always done them. Obviously, human nature has made it so that people when doing things that way, often make too many mistakes that continue to bring them down more and more throughout life.

 The spiritual journey is not one that is not suitable for individuals that cannot work on change. Another reason is because they just cannot accept facts. I’m not trying to be harsh here, in fact I say this in the gentle list of tones… the reality is that rising to the next level of existence means perfecting the level that you’re on already. You can explore all different religions and you’ll find that they all imply the same. Humans are stuck here in the slower vibrational world because of imperfection and karma that comes as a result of it. If people want to continue seeing as the lower vibrational spirits are, doing whatever they please and running amok on the earth causing havoc and chaos for themselves and others, then by all means that’s their choice. But they’re going to have to accept the truth that that doesn’t lead to enlightenment or divinity. 

The idea isn’t that you have to be suddenly perfect, or that you even have to make it 100%. The tools are provided so that you can define your own definition of being perfect according to what you truly have the strength to change in what you don’t. And it’s gaining true wisdom and understanding in both, as you ascend to the next level. I have my bets placed on a few people here, that don’t make it to the end. I truly do hope I will find more students that are looking forward to the quest of reaching the next level beyond mortality. 

More plans…

Earlier in this newsletter, I mentioned the surgery that I need again? I wanted to post a quick update about that. The doctor has scheduled the date for the operation that I need in January 2023. They won’t let me get it through the use of insurance or without paying in advance. If I’m able to raise the funds, I’ll go in for the operation during the second week of January. Therefore, if that happens… I’ll be closed on January 10, throughout the 20th for recovery. I heal faster than most, so it’ll sooner than the 20th, but I just wanted to give myself that grace period so that I can get back into the swing of things. As you know, I already know what the future will bring, and that’s why I’m bringing it up here. I want everyone to know what’s going on and you promise that I will make sure that everyone’s services are rendered in full by that time. Heaven often makes things possible through those that they speak through. I know that I’ll find the help. I'm just waiting for the heavens to appoint the person that will help support me with it. I have all of the faith and belief in the world, not only myself… But many of you will overcome your difficulties.


If you are a client that had a portal at my portal location And have not signed into that portal in over six months, your portal will have been automatically deleted. My technician Rishi has gone through all of the profiles that were in our portal, but it seems to be an active for a specific amount of time. To make more room on the server, those profiles were cleaned out Along with any of the readings or services that were in them. I did post a notification about this sometime ago telling people that it would be necessary for them to always download their readings for their own safekeeping, because we don't keep them after a certain amount of time. If you have just returned from not having had services in a very long time, and I found that your portal is missing, please feel free to contact me through my websites messaging here, and I will get in touch with Rishi to see if we can reinstate your portal somehow. For the most part, you may need to make a new one and start keeping better track of your files.

For fun…

A few new things…

There are a few changes and some new things going on, and I thought that some of you would be interested in finding out about them.

The group stays

For one, I’ve decided not to close the groups on Facebook. Even though I strongly felt how I did when I posted the article about that at Spiritually Awkward, I am going to leave the groups up after all. Our beloved member Shauna, I only contacted me once about it, but twice. In both messages she was extremely sincere in the fact that she felt that the groups were the only place that anyone could really go and find support with others who were learning with me and may have shared similar feelings or issues. I’ve always seen it that way myself, which is why I had created the groups to begin with.

Since Facebook had somehow boxed me in there and made my groups into echo chambers, I had really felt that perhaps it would be best to get rid of them and keep our communications to the soulful gathering social media website that Rishi made. I truly feel that his social media site would be a better place. At least we wouldn’t have to worry about Facebook censorship as much. It’s still just as private since the only people that know about that website are all of us who have bonded together in this spiritual journey. if you would like to give it a try, head on over there. However, you can still stay with the Facebook group if it makes you feel more comfortable. 

Social media has truly beaten me down. I really want to be more active, but what’s the use? All of you are really important to me, but I also used social media not only to connect with all of you, but to also to try to reach out to others. I feel that jumping around to so many different social media sites can really be a lot of work. I would rather focus on posting in just one or two places at a time, and then focus my attention toward doing the services that you all have requested from me. That makes it a lot easier. 

That’s also why I simplify things with regards to communications as well too. I certainly felt that getting messages via email, Instagram, Facebook messenger, my website, WhatsApp, and by my mobile phone, really made it hard to stay in touch with everybody over time. I would have too many messages and all of those different places to get back to and others would get missed. I don’t take messages on any social media platform except my own website and even though it takes a little while to return any messages, I still am a lot better at responding there. I will truly place my hopes in all of you, that you’ll post my links in the Facebook group for me.

 I don’t always get notifications there even though it’s set up, which is another reason why I don’t use Facebook like I used to. It’s become completely unreliable. Literally, a support technician from Facebook told me that if I’m not putting money out there on their platform, then they don’t care whether my stuff gets seen or not. They also have A.I sorting through posts with keywords that will automatically censor your post if it even indicates one of those words, even out of context. I certainly don’t like the fact that my personal information is being sold as well. Facebook is a trap and it always was. Since I’m leaving the groups up, I’ll still swing through there when I get a chance. I’d like things to be as they used to be, if so.

Name Changes

If anyone has recently noticed, my website “A Life of Virtue” has recently gone back to its previous name of “Spiritually Awkward”. Spiritual Services has also now taken on a new name, which is just basically named after myself. I am going to be launching another website for services next year, where services will be rendered a lot differently. I’m going to keep the website I’ve been using all these years, but you won’t be able to really purchase anything off of it. It’ll be used more as a glossary for services, for people that want to browse through different subjects of what they may want to look into. The two websites will be combined as one, with the glossary pages accessible in the back. I’ll give you more information once it comes together. 

The app for it on “Spaces” or WIX, now carries the name of “Alura Angelic”. I thought that the name I was using before was too bland and generic. Everyone knows me by name now, and it may be easier for people to find if they just look me up by name. However, the website is based on Angelic enlightenment and so I added the nickname on the app to support the idea of it.

I just wanted everyone to be informed, in case they saw it and didn’t understand what that was all about.

A new magazine

Next year, I will also be launching my brand new magazine. It will have a spiritual foundation to it, but it’s not going to be overly spiritual. It’s going to have such a great variety of different things, as well as news… That will appeal to everyone of all different audiences. I also have a section where people can contact me, so that they can write for the magazine as well and be featured as their very own author. So in other words, I’m looking for different writers. It can be of any subject. It’ll be set up like a magazine, but with so many different topics and ideas. I’m not going to give anyone the link as it hasn’t launched yet, but I do already have a domain for it. You can also subscribe to receive it by email, or to your very own mailbox. 

That’s right, the magazine will come out in a printed addition every month with highlighted topics. You can get the printed edition straight in the postal mail if that’s what you truly prefer. To be honest with you I like having a printed edition myself. I don’t always like being on the cell phone, and you can take it anywhere with you. I’m hoping to leave copies all over my county and hopefully maybe get some new people interested in what I’m trying to do here in the world.


I have also published a few books on Amazon. You can find them on Kindle or Amazon itself. I am not advertising them around in the typical fashion. However I just thought maybe some of my students would like to have a look if they’re interested. 

The Truth Behind Jonah  and Lightology are both available now. There’s more to come! you’ll have to forgive me, the usual typos are found in those books lol. I finally am using Grammarly to help me and I have found an editor! Part of the new team members that will be volunteering, include an editor which will be wonderful for a change. I’m always working so hard that I’ve had to use “talk to text” in order to get things published quickly, or to respond to messages. I’ve been doing that for all of these many years. I am sure that some of those typos have led to many misunderstandings in the past, and for that I’m sorry. I am so pinched for time. In January, everything will be properly edited from that point forward. 

I’m sure you’ll find some of those typos in those books though. The way I see it, The person really values the information, they won’t judge me for the typos. However, a good friend once told me that people would take my writing more seriously, if it was properly edited. I have gone to college and so I do know proper grammar. Although, I’m not sure it shows lol. I hope you enjoy the books nonetheless.

There will be four more books that will come out there, throughout the course of next year.


I will be hosting brand new podcasts by video next year. Actually, there will be a whole brand new channel. 

We have a lot of wonderful things to talk about and I have some pretty good ideas on how to present different subjects to my audience. I’ve really been behind on my YouTube because of the fall in the numbers of views. I am going to keep my old channel up and available, so that when my kids get older they can watch some of my videos and reflect back on what I have taught. I am leaving it up for the same reason, for a lot of you. 

However, I’ve been talking about building a new channel for the longest time, and I’ve finally done it. All that’s needed is new content. and I have plenty of it!. I have been doing new videos and piling them up so that I can upload them weekly, more consistently. A lot of that will be based on various subjects found in the new magazine I was talking about above. I will also be talking about mysticism, so that is something that will never change.

I hope that you’ll join me there! I will direct everybody to the link when it’s time. I thought it was important to mention it, just in case anybody thought I had given up or something lol. No! Never that!

A new design

I also wanted to touch base with everyone on the new design that the Angels website has now. Apparently, the platform that I was using to host my membership subscriptions for the Angelic Herald on, had a lot of errors. I’ve gotten that fixed but it required that I change the website's format. I think it looks good, I just have to do some final touch ups on the main menu. I hope it hasn’t confused anyone.

Thank you

If everything goes as planned, the new year of 2023 will definitely give me more organization to put together new projects and really enjoy spending more time with some of you. I’m really looking forward to 2023. I truly hope that we all get a chance to enjoy the rest of this year as well.

Please let me end this magazine/newsletter with a heartfelt thank you. I am truly grateful to the heavens each and every day that I’ve had this beautiful dream come true of getting to meet and work with a lot of you. You made a lonely angelic little girl, grow up into a happy angelic woman. I was friendless, And considered a freak because of my gifts. Because of all of you, you have brought light to my life just as I have to yours. I hope you’ll always remember that.

That’s about all. Thank you so much for reading this newsletter and for being a part of my life. You’ll never know how much it truly means to me.

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